
BOY STORY 3rd EP 'JI' (Global Edition)

General information
Product Name BOY STORY 3rd EP 'JI' (Global Edition)
Price $10.38
Domestic / International Shipping oversea delivery
Payment for Shipping Parcel Service
Shipping (Charge) $30.00 ~ $109.00

Shipping Rates

  • 0.00kg or more ~ 0.50kg under$30.00
  • 0.50kg or more ~ 1.00kg under$32.00
  • 1.00kg or more ~ 1.50kg under$35.00
  • 1.50kg or more ~ 2.00kg under$36.00
  • 2.00kg or more ~ 2.50kg under$37.00
  • 2.50kg or more ~ 3.00kg under$40.00
  • 3.00kg or more ~ 3.50kg under$43.00
  • 3.50kg or more ~ 4.00kg under$46.00
  • 4.00kg or more ~ 4.50kg under$50.00
  • 4.50kg or more ~ 5.00kg under$52.00
  • 5.00kg or more ~ 5.50kg under$54.00
  • 5.50kg or more ~ 6.00kg under$55.00
  • 6.00kg or more ~ 6.50kg under$57.00
  • 6.50kg or more ~ 7.00kg under$59.00
  • 7.00kg or more ~ 7.50kg under$61.00
  • 7.50kg or more ~ 8.00kg under$63.00
  • 8.00kg or more ~ 8.50kg under$65.00
  • 8.50kg or more ~ 9.00kg under$65.00
  • 9.00kg or more ~ 9.50kg under$66.00
  • 9.50kg or more ~ 10.00kg under$68.00
  • 10.00kg or more ~ 10.50kg under$101.00
  • 10.50kg or more ~ 11.00kg under$103.00
  • 11.00kg or more ~ 11.50kg under$105.00
  • 11.50kg or more ~ 12.00kg under$107.00
  • 12.00kg or more ~ 12.50kg under$109.00
Purchase options
Delivery cycle
BOY STORY 3rd EP 'JI' (Global Edition)

Product option
Product Name No. of products Price
Total price (quantity) 0 (0)

※ Contact us for joint and bulk purchases:
※ For inquiries about group order or bulk purchases :
※ 团购及大量购买询问 :
※ 共同購入、大量購入のお問い合わせ
Jacket detail image-S3L3Jacket detail image-S3L3

1. Alpha
2. Skit : 極
3. Cypher: Overheat
4. Lost
5. Please
6. Alpha (English Ver.)
7. Alpha (Korean Ver.)
8. Alpha (Instrumental)

[Product Introduction / Album Specifications]

Nemo Album Case : 90mm x 62mm x 12mm / 1종 (60g)
Nemo Card : 54mm x 86mm / 1종
Photo Card: 54 mm × 86 mm / 6 types insert
Unit Photo Card: 54mm x 86mm / 1 type out of 6
Selfie Message Card: 54 mm × 86 mm / Insert 1 out of 6
Folding Poster: 83 mm x 159 mm / Insert 1 in 6 types
Mini Sticker : 54mm x 86mm / 1종
Paper Ornament : 50mm x 62mm / 1종

[Album Introduction / Album Description]

New B Generation!! Z세대를 대표하는 힙합 보이그룹, BOY STORY만의 당찬 포부와 열정을 보여줬던 두 번째 EP <Z.I.P> 에 이어 세 번째 EP <極> 으로 24년 새해 포문을 열었다. 
중국 보이그룹 최초로 한국 음악방송 5개 프로그램에 출연하며 C-POP의 글로벌 경쟁력을 증명하였고, 데뷔 최초 6개 지역 쇼케이스 투어와 멤버 4명의 성년회, 첫 팬 콘서트까지 개최하면서 공연형 아이돌로서 한층 더 성장한 모습을 보여주었다. 
더불어, 작년 12월 두바이에서 열린 UN기후변화협약 당사국 총회(COP28)에서 세계적인 프로듀서 RedOne이 프로듀싱한 총회 주제곡 ‘Lasting Legacy’를 만다린어 대표 자격으로 각 국 정상급 인사들 앞에서 가창하였고, 라틴 아메리카와 동남아시아 등 글로벌 활동에 박차를 가하면서 중국 대표 아이돌로서의 입지를 구축해 나가고 있다.

세 번째 EP <極> 은 멤버 전원이 작사, 작곡에 참여하였으며, 대립과 갈등 속에서 느껴지는 인간 내면의 모습을 극대화시키며 솔직한 메시지를 담았다.
총 7곡으로 구성된 앨범 <極>의 타이틀 곡인 <Alpha>는 글로벌 BOSS들을 위해 2가지 언어로 준비했으며, 수록곡은 이전에 멤버들과 손발을 맞추었던 프로듀서 Shawn Kim, badassgatsby 와 오랜만에 만나 공동으로 자작곡 작업을 마쳤다. 

타이틀 곡 <Alpha>는 중독성 강한 HOOK 멜로디와 BOY STORY만의 차별화된 퍼포먼스 실력을 유감없이 보여주는 곡으로 이번 뮤직비디오에서는 댄서와 함께 역동적인 안무를 볼 수 있다.   

수록곡 <Skit : 極>은 장난기 어린 멤버들의 이야기를 진솔한 내레이션으로 들려준다. 

처음으로 선보이는 멤버 유닛 구성인 형 라인 (한위, 씬롱, 즈하오)의 강렬하고 개성 있는 자작곡 <Cypher: Overheat>와 반전의 분위기가 나는 유니크한 동생 라인 (저위, 밍루이, 슈양)의 자작곡 <Lost>를 담으면서 대립의 메시지를 담았다. 

마지막 트랙인 단체 자작곡 <Please>는 지금까지 시도해보지 않았던 실험적인 곡으로써 BOY STORY의 색다른 모습을 볼 수 있을 것으로 기대가 되는 곡이다.

1. Alpha
‘Alpha’는 하이 에너지와 빠른 리듬의 편곡을 갖춘, 퍼포먼스에 어울리는 곡이다. 이 곡에는 Hip-Hop 베이스와 Trap, 중독적인 hook으로 구성되었으며, 많은 사람들이 함께 부르고, 함께 즐길 수 있었으면 하는 바람이 곡에 담겨있다. 
이 곡은 멤버들이 직접 작사에 참여하여 '알파'가 되어가는 그들이 모순적인 내면의 '대립'과 '갈등'을 보여주는 메시지를 담았다.

2. Skit : 極
멤버들이 ‘Alpha’와 유닛 구성에 대한 내용으로 솔직하고 재미있는 이야기로 전개된다.

3. Cypher: Overheat
웅장한 스트링, 브라스 악기들 위에 캐치한 벨 멜로디와 강렬한 Hip-Hop드럼의 조화가 돋보이는 곡이다. 
곡 제목처럼 모든 것에 대한 야망, 자신감, 멈추지 않고 'Overheat'를 갈망하는 투지와 잠재력 ‘알파’를 표현했다.

4. Lost
‘Lost’는 힙합 비트 위에 soft samba의 운율이 조화로운 fusion Hip-Hop장르의 곡으로, 동생 라인이 달콤한 유혹자로서 등장하여 누군가는 자유로 인도하고, 누군가는 달콤한 유혹으로 그가 스스로 "함정"에 빠지게 하는 치명적인 메세지를 담았다.

5. Please
무거운 베이스와 주문을 읊조리는 듯한 묘한 분위기가 돋보이는 ‘Please’는 팝 장르로, 자신이 꼭두각시처럼 '너' 에게 휘둘리는 것을 묘사한 곡이다. 때로는 고통스럽고 탈출하고 싶기도 하지만, 이미 깊이 빠져 헤어나올 수 없는 상황에서 이 '모순'되는 사랑을 갈망하며 '너'가 나에게 어떤 감정을 주든 당신의 거짓말이나 나에게 상처를 주었다 하더라도 나는 당신의 모든 것을 사랑한다고 얘기하고 있는 곡이다.

6. Alpha (English Ver.)

7. Alpha (Korean Ver.)

8. Alpha (Instrumental)

[Introduction to Nemo Album]

Nemo Album is a smart album.
Through Nemoz App, Nemo Album certifies the authenticity of the album in one of three methods: NFC, Nemo Code, and QR Code. You only need to take one step to activate Nemo Album on your account and then enjoy music, videos, images, and other content on the App. The content inside the album gets continuous updates even after the release and you can download HQ images on your phone.
Nemo Album is counted on Hanteo chart and CIRCLE chart. It’s made in a size smaller than a palm and is as light as 15~60g. It’s good to collect. Also, through Nemoz App, you can enjoy the album without language barriers.
If you want more detailed instructions, please visit

* Once you activate a Nemo Album on an account, you cannot activate the album on an account other than the initial account.
* You can register up to 2 devices on your Nemoz account. When you disconnect the device, you can link other devices freely. If you cannot use the registered device due to a loss or other reason, you can disconnect the device once a month.

* This is a pre-order item and will be shipped after March 2024.
Jacket -S1L28


Product details
Product Name BOY STORY 3rd EP 'JI' (Global Edition)
Price $10.38
Domestic / International Shipping oversea delivery
Payment for Shipping Parcel Service
Shipping (Charge) $30.00 ~ $109.00

Shipping Rates

  • 0.00kg or more ~ 0.50kg under$30.00
  • 0.50kg or more ~ 1.00kg under$32.00
  • 1.00kg or more ~ 1.50kg under$35.00
  • 1.50kg or more ~ 2.00kg under$36.00
  • 2.00kg or more ~ 2.50kg under$37.00
  • 2.50kg or more ~ 3.00kg under$40.00
  • 3.00kg or more ~ 3.50kg under$43.00
  • 3.50kg or more ~ 4.00kg under$46.00
  • 4.00kg or more ~ 4.50kg under$50.00
  • 4.50kg or more ~ 5.00kg under$52.00
  • 5.00kg or more ~ 5.50kg under$54.00
  • 5.50kg or more ~ 6.00kg under$55.00
  • 6.00kg or more ~ 6.50kg under$57.00
  • 6.50kg or more ~ 7.00kg under$59.00
  • 7.00kg or more ~ 7.50kg under$61.00
  • 7.50kg or more ~ 8.00kg under$63.00
  • 8.00kg or more ~ 8.50kg under$65.00
  • 8.50kg or more ~ 9.00kg under$65.00
  • 9.00kg or more ~ 9.50kg under$66.00
  • 9.50kg or more ~ 10.00kg under$68.00
  • 10.00kg or more ~ 10.50kg under$101.00
  • 10.50kg or more ~ 11.00kg under$103.00
  • 11.00kg or more ~ 11.50kg under$105.00
  • 11.50kg or more ~ 12.00kg under$107.00
  • 12.00kg or more ~ 12.50kg under$109.00

Payment guide

We accept the following forms of payment:
- Credit Card
  - Visa
  - MasterCard
  - American Express
  - Discover
- PayPal

Shipping guide

  • Shipping method : Parcel Service
  • Shipping area : All Regions
  • Shipping fee : $30.00 ~ $109.00
  • Shipping method : 7 - 14 days
  • Shipping guide : Please take into consideration that some products may take additional time for delivery and processing.
    Important: Your order is shipped once your payment has been cleared. Please contact our customer service center if you would like to request an exchange or return on your order.

    - Customs and Duties

    The recipient will be held responsible for international shipments which may be subject to import duties and taxes. Please be advised that these charges are levied by the destination country and we do not have control over them. In the case that the recipient refuses to receive the parcel, the order will be returned to Korea and will not be re-shipped. Relevant expenses (round-trip shipping, customs, etc.) will be deducted from the refund.

Exchange/return guide

1. Address for returns and exchanges:
- [10858] 55, Heyri-ro 185beon-gil, Tanhyeon-myeon, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea Choikang Mullyu

2. Requirements:

Please take into consideration that we only accept qualifying returns but not exchanges. Refunds are issued once the returned products clear our inspection.

1) An item is eligible for cancellation if:
-you posted a Return request within 24 hours of payment and your order is still under “Pending” status (if your order is under “Preparing Shipment” status, please contact our customer service center) or
-the order is delayed for more than 10 days since payment and you have not received any notification regarding the delay; or
-the ordered item is out of stock.

2) We accept return(s) if:

-you receive a product different from your order; or

-you receive a defective product.

**Return Instructions

(1) Post a return request on our Return forum within three days of receipt. You are required to attach the photos of the received product(s) and include the item code, the order number, and the reason for the return.

(2) A customer service representative will be in contact to assist you by email or phone.

(3) Items returned must be in their original condition, which includes tags and any packaging. Also, you need to include a note of your order number, name, and user ID.

*Please be advised that returns are accepted ONLY IF you followed the instructions above and your return request has been approved by our staff. Returns that are shipped to us without any prior consent are not accepted.

*Please note that EVEN the defective/incorrect item(s) must be returned with all of the tags and labels intact. The item(s) must be sent in their original packaging and unworn.

*Please include all contents of the original package and free gifts (if applicable) in your return packaging.

* Shipping fee for any return caused by our fault will be paid by the company. However, if EMS’ cash on delivery is not possible then you can scan the return receipt and either mail it with the item to return or post an image of it on the forum. The shipping fee will be refunded once the returned item has arrived.

3) We do not accept return(s) if:

-you are returning the items just because you changed your mind (on size, color, etc.)
-you are returning shoes, bags, or any other accessories
-the products are damaged due to your mishandling
-your return request is not approved by our staff

The following items are not considered defective:

* Items that are originally manufactured without tags or labels
* Items with creases that may have been made while shipping
* Items with unsatisfactory/incomplete finish due to mass production

4) If there is a missing item from your order:

*Contact our customer service center by phone or by forum (if you cannot reach us by phone) within 1 day of delivery.
*Please keep all contents of the original package including packaging material (boxes, plastic bags etc.) with you until you are instructed otherwise.

Please note that we may not be able to process the refund for your missing item if you lose or damage any packaging material.

Service guide

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